Why Select Luxury Wooden Hangers?

When shopping around for hangers, you probably have found it possible to purchase some rather inexpensive, plastic options. These plastic hangers might work fine for a light t-shirt or other piece of clothing, but for heavier options, such as suits, jackets, coats or other items, you really need to go with something a bit heavier duty than plastic or cheap metal. Luxury wooden hangers from Butler Luxury provides you with all sorts of advantages, so when it comes to storing your heavier clothing items, make sure to look towards these luxury wooden hangers.

For starters, luxury wooden hangers provide a much better support system, maintaining the shape of a suit or other piece of clothing, regardless of its weight. However, plastic and metal hangers are going to bend and slouch. This can, over time, destroy the integrity of your high-end clothing item, such as a suit or blazer. When a blazer sits on an inferior hanger for a long period of time, it might eventually start to hang off of your body in an odd way, due to the stress placed at certain areas around the shoulders.

On top of this, the luxury wooden hangers are created to offer some buffer room. Over stuffing clothing into a closet can cause wrinkles and other problems in the jacket, which you just do not have time to steam out before a big date when pulling it out of the closet. The wooden hangers provide this buffer zone, increasing the protection your clothing receives from rubbing against other articles of clothing. It also reduces any kind of snaring threads or buttons on the nearby clothing. 

Butler Luxury

Proper ventilation is very important when it comes to your clothing. You want air to flow around your clothing, otherwise it might start to smell a bit musty. Having the larger, luxury wooden hangers improves the air flow so your clothing not only does not smell as often, but you do not need to take the clothing in as often either.

A major benefit with luxury wooden hangers is the trouser bar placed on the wooden hanger. This way, you can slide pants into the hanger and have it fit into place firmly, yet still gently, so it secures the pants in place, which is helpful if you have a suit to go along with it. You want to keep your suit jacket and pants together, all while allowing for the very best air ventilation. You can do this with the luxury hangers. You also do not need to worry about any sort of crease your pants might experience with other hangers, as this trouser bar does not crimp the pants, but allows it to gently hang freely.

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