Can A Hanger Make a Suit? Absolutely!

While a cheap suit does not necessarily make a man, a cheap suit hung on one of our well known luxury wooden hangers will look much better on a guy than if that suit had hung all night on a flimsy metal hanger.

It’s true. Do an experiment based on this supposition and check the results for yourself. Now, we certainly don’t expect a man of your means and position to own a cheap suit with which to experiment with. But certainly in your life’s travels you have run into individuals who have not made it, at least not as well as you have.

Use your imagination to ask someone if you might borrow a suit for an evening. Whatever you do, don’t mention that you want to use their suit for the cheap suit experiment. First off, they probably have no idea that their suit is a cheap one and secondly, you could insult them if you do.

A gentleman would probably spill something on the cheap suit, then offer to follow its owner home and have the suit cleaned as a small token of regret to repay him for his clumsiness. Chances are this may be a first time experience for the suit (dry cleaning).

Take it to your apartment and before you have it cleaned hang the suit on a cheap metal or plastic hanger. The next morning, remove it from the hanger, put it on – then glance at yourself in the mirror.  See the marks across the shoulders and along the trousers where you folded them over the cheap hanger? That’s what we’re talking about. Those ugly creases where clothing and hanger slept together all night make that cheap suit look even cheaper, now doesn’t it?

O.K.- now for part two. Take the suit to the cleaners. Pick it up when you return from the office. This time, hang that cheap piece of dreck on one of our luxury wooden hangers. After a night’s sleep, remove it from the luxury wooden hanger, put it on and – we defy you to find a crease. You will have to agree that when you use our luxury wooden hanger, even a cheap suit looks like – well not exactly bad.

In conclusion, should you continue to buy expensive suits and hang them on our renowned luxury wood hangers or do you regress and begin to buy cheap suits to use with our esteemed luxury wood hangers? The choice is obviously yours. But if we had a say in the matter, we would definitely continue to buy expensive suits to go along with our wonderful luxury wooden hangers.
You can buy our luxury wood hangers direct at